Defining the Problem: How to process over 37,000 unread emails with AI and modern data science techniques.

Christopher Tavolazzi
4 min readJun 24, 2024


A problem we’ve all had.

Welcome back, fellow data adventurers and email procrastinators! If you’re just joining us, I’m the person with 37,000 unread emails who’s decided to learn data science as a way to procrastinate even further on actually reading them. Brilliant plan, right?

In our last thrilling episode, we laid out our grand scheme to turn my embarrassing inbox into a treasure trove of data science learning. Today, we’re going to define our problem more precisely and explore how AI and modern data science techniques can help us tackle this digital monster.

The Problem: A Mountain of Unread Emails

Let’s start by breaking down what 37,000 unread emails really means:

1. Volume: If each email takes just 1 minute to read, it would take over 600 hours (that’s 25 days straight) to get through them all. Yikes.

2. Variety: These emails range from crucial work communications to the 500th newsletter about cat videos I somehow subscribed to.

3. Velocity: New emails keep coming in faster than I can say “unsubscribe.”

4. Value: Hidden in this digital haystack are probably some needles of important information… and a whole lot of spam.

5. Vintage: Some of these emails are so old, they might qualify for antique status. (Does anyone still use “Talk to you on AIM later” as a sign-off?)

Enter AI and Data Science: Our Digital Superheroes

Now, how can AI and data science help us slay this email dragon? Let’s break it down:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is like teaching a computer to read and understand human language. We can use it to:

  • Automatically categorize emails by topic or importance
  • Extract key information from email bodies
  • Summarize long email threads (because who has time to read a 50-email chain about where to go for lunch?)

Here’s a sneak peek at what this might look like in code:

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
# Convert email bodies to TF-IDF vectors
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(emails['body'])
# Cluster emails into topics
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=10)
# Add cluster labels to our dataframe
emails['topic_cluster'] = kmeans.labels_

Don’t worry if this looks like alphabet soup right now. We’ll break it down in future articles.

2. Machine Learning Classification

We’ll train models to automatically sort emails into categories like:

  • Urgent vs. Can Wait
  • Work vs. Personal
  • “Why am I subscribed to this?” vs. “Oh, that’s actually interesting”
  • Deal or discount (we get a lot of marketing emails!)

3. Time Series Analysis

By analyzing email patterns over time, we can:

  • Predict busy periods (like when my boss is likely to send that urgent 11 PM email)
  • Identify the best times to tackle my inbox (probably not at 2 AM after a Netflix binge)

4. Network Analysis

We’ll map out my email connections to:

  • Identify key contacts (Who do I email most? Who always BCCs me?)
  • Visualize communication patterns (Turns out, I ghost a lot of people. Sorry, everyone.)

5. Anomaly Detection

We’ll use AI to flag unusual emails, like:

  • That one time a prince really did want to give me his fortune (still waiting on that wire transfer…)
  • When my usually calm colleague sends an all-caps email (URGENT: PRINTER OUT OF INK!!!)

The Grand Plan: From Chaos to Clarity

Here’s how we’ll approach this monumental task:

1. Data Extraction: We’ll pull all 37,000 emails into a format we can work with. Pray for my hard drive.

2. Exploratory Data Analysis: We’ll dive into the data to understand what we’re dealing with. Prepare for some shocking revelations about my email habits.

3. Preprocessing: We’ll clean the data, because let’s face it, it’s probably messier than my actual inbox.

4. Feature Engineering: We’ll create meaningful features from our email data that our AI models can understand.

5. Model Building: We’ll construct and train various models to help categorize, summarize, and prioritize emails.

6. Evaluation and Iteration: We’ll test our models and keep refining them. Maybe by version 37,000, they’ll be perfect.

7. Deployment: Finally, we’ll create a system that can process new emails as they come in. The dream of Inbox Zero lives on!

Why This Matters (Beyond Saving My Sanity)

This project isn’t just about clearing my embarrassingly full inbox. It’s about tackling a problem that many of us face in the digital age: information overload. The techniques we’ll explore have applications far beyond email management:

  • Businesses use similar methods to process customer feedback at scale.
  • Researchers analyze large volumes of text data to identify trends and patterns.
  • Social media platforms detect and categorize content automatically.

All of these are job skills that can help me land valuable opportunities. We can’t stop these things and it’s important to learn how to use the new tools to your advantage.

Plus, let’s be honest, it’s a great excuse for me to learn data science without having to admit I’m avoiding my emails.

What’s Next?

In our next exciting installment, we’ll roll up our sleeves and start with data extraction. We’ll explore how to access our email data, the ethical considerations of working with personal communications, and the joy of realizing just how many “Final Final FINAL_v2” document versions you’ve been emailed over the years.

Until then, may your inboxes be ever in your favor, and remember: every unread email is just a data point waiting to be analyzed!

Stay tuned, and happy procrastina — I mean, data science-ing!



Christopher Tavolazzi

Creative Director, Writer, Musician - Follow me for more Poetry, Science, Spirituality, Self-Development and Art